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HI READERS ! A VERY HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL OF YOU IN TODAY’S BLOG. It’s been quite a long time since we did our normal outdoor activities. We do go outside but only for urgent works .The pandemic and virus has created quite a panic in our lives. Today, I wish to share some useful tips that will help you in taking good care of yourself and increase your body’s immunity and healing powers naturally.

1) GET UP EARLY IN THE MORNING : The first and foremost tip that I want to suggest is ‘ Getting up in early hours of morning‘. One should get up early in the morning between 5 am and 6 am. This is the time when divine powers are at its best and it also energises your body channels and helps you heal faster. It increases resistance powers of your body. Go to your terrace or balcony and do deep breathing exercise for 8-10 mins. Inhale fresh air slowly and deeply and exhale it completely. You can practice ‘Pranayam’ or ‘Anulom- vilom’. To get up early it is essential to take good sleep especially between 11 pm and 4 am . During this time the body cleanses the toxins and its scientifically proven.

2. DRINK WARM WATER : Drink plenty of warm water . You should add lemon drops to it. If it doesn’t suit your throat then add a little bit of honey to it.

3 EXERCISE : These days when morning walks are prohibited Exercise daily for 25-30 mins at home. Begin with a warm-up and stretching session of 5-6 mins followed by light but continuous exercises like aerobics , cardio and abs workout. Keep on sipping water after every 10 mins of exercise. This will remove toxins from your body with an improved flow of blood thereby increasing the immunity system. Decreased fat in body means reduced pressure on one’s heart. You can use this link for exercise and fitness.

4. MAINTAIN PERSONAL HYGIENE : Take good care of your personal hygiene. Take bath daily. You may add neem leaves to the water while bathing as it has antibacterial properties. Always wear washed and clean clothes. Wash your masques and gloves on a regular basis if they can be reused. After coming back home from market etc. wash your hands, face and feet nicely and change your clothes.

5. MEDITATE AND PRAY : Meditate everyday for 10-15 mins. Pray and chant hymns or mantras . Prayers have the powers to heal your body and mind. It keeps you positively charged and Its scientifically proven ( I personally recommend this meditation site for physical , mental and spiritual growth)

6. HERBAL TEA : While making morning tea with milk or without milk, add spices like cloves, ginger, black pepper, cinnamon powder, carom seeds (ajwain) to it .It will benefit in increasing the resistance powers of body. You may also use basil leaves(tulsi leaves). Tulsi leaves taken with black pepper powder proves good in curing sinus and throat problems.

7. NUTRITIOUS DIET : Take light and nutritious breakfast including dry fruits, fresh fruits, milk, oats and porridge. Lunch and dinner should be nutritious, less oily and less spicy. Take less sugar. Say NO to icecreams, soft and hard drinks and cold water. It can spoil your throat. Take golden milk ( milk in which turmeric has been added) to boost immunity.

8. HERBAL CONCOCTION : Herbal concoction (kadha) should be made and taken twice or thrice in a week. Add spices like ginger, black pepper, cinnamon, cloves, carrom seeds and basil leaves to boiling water. Add a pinch of salt and a little bit of jaggery instead of sugar. Boil it for 3 to 4 mins. Strain it and add a few drops of lemon to it. Its very beneficial to increase immunity system.

9. GARGLE EVERYDAY : Gargle everyday with hot water adding a pinch of salt to it . Take hot water steam covering your head with towel ,once a week, to open your nostril passage and nerves and to reduce mucus .

10. MAINTAIN GOOD RELATIONSHIPS : Maintain emotional balance while being with family members. You receive what you give to others. So , be the giver of love, care, kindness , compassion and help. Good relationships keep you happy and contented.

11. AVOID TOO MUCH MOBILES : Remain in touch with friends and relatives through social media. But do not overuse mobiles and internet. Utilize your time to bond with family members, to groom yourself and being creative.

12. UTILIZE TIME PROPERLY : Time is precious. Make proper use of your time available at present due to pandemic because after a few months life will be back to normal routine and exams/ competitions will begin. So make a time table for reading , making notes and important tasks. Read course books , online study materials, attend online workshops and seminars to enhance your skills or hobbies . This will increase your knowledge and increase your skills and confidence.

I hope you will benefit immensely with these tips . Be HEALTHY and smile a lot. Take care…:) 🙂

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