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The Middle English period extends from 1066 to 1500 A.D. In 1066, the Normans ( a French speaking group) invaded England and started ruling over it. These Normans were descendents of Vikings (Norsemen) who had settled in France in 10th century . They absorbed the French culture soon and started speaking French language.

The Norman invasion created a huge impact on the English language in England. Thousands of French words entered the English language and enriched the vocabulary. It became the language of aristocratic class. The literature created during this period came to be known as the ‘Middle English Literature.’ There are three main categories of Middle English Literature , religious, courtly love and Arthurian.


Geoffrey Chaucer is also known as the ‘Father of English Literature’. His creative work ‘ Canterbury Tales’ (1387-1400) that consists of Twenty-four unique tales told by travelling pilgrims is a masterpiece literary work belonging to Middle English Period. The work is written largely in poetry but some of the passages are in prose.


Published anonymously in the year 1400, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight tells the story of a knight at King Arthur’s court , Camelot. The knight known by the name Sir Gawain accepts a challenge from a Green knight. Thereafter he undergoes a series of challenges that take test of his loyalty and honour.

Honour, loyalty and chivalry were the basic themes of Medieval English Literature.

JOHN GOWER — John Gower (1330- 1408) was a medieval English poet. He wrote mainly on the themes of courtly love and moral allegory . Gower’s three main works are in English, French and Latin. His greatest work in English is the ‘Confessio Amantis’ which is essentially tales of love.It is lover’s confession to a priest of Venus. He also wrote a series of French balades for the English court. His other famous work , ‘Speculum Meditantis’ tells the story of devil’s marriage to the seven daughters of sin.


THE BOOK OF MARGERY KEMPE is the earliest example of autobiography in English literature. It was published in the early 15th century.

The Theme Of CHIVALRY— The term ‘chivalry’ comes from the Old French chevalerie, meaning ‘horse soldiery’. Chivalry is one of the major themes in Middle English Literature. It is the religious, social and moral conduct followed by Knights in the Middle age literature. ‘Knight’ means a brave soldier who fights on a horse. It also means an honour or title conferred upon a soldier by King or Queen for his acts of bravery or the act of saving the honour or life of a weak or needy person.

CHIVALRIC ROMANCE is a type of prose or verse narrative that was popular in Medieval Europe . They basically describe the adventures of legendary knights who show ultimate of qualities of bravery of a hero. Chivalric Romance show qualities of loyalty, honor and courtly love.

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