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HI WONDERFUL READERS ! Welcome to a new section of the blog, ” LITERARY MOVEMENTS” wherein I shall be posting educative stuff and info about the different Literary Movements and Literary groups in English literature. The topic for today’s blog is ‘English Chaucerians’ and ‘Scottish Chaucerians’.

The age of Geoffrey Chaucer (1350- 1400) or late 14th century was an age of the meeting ground of two periods- Old and New – the Medieval and the Renaissance . It was an age of activity and transition that took place in all the fields ;political, social, religious and literary . Chaucer, the Father of English literature took the poetic creations to new heights and levels. His poems ‘The Canterbury Tales’ , ‘Troilus and Creseyde’ , ‘ Romaunt of the rose’ show him to be mastercreator of characters with a sense of realism. These virtues and art of creation placed him just next to Shakespeare .

But after the death of haucer in 1400 A.D. , there was a steep decline in creativity in the field of literature. That’s why the 15th c is also known as the ‘Age of barenness’.

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